Friday, December 31, 2010

'New' Nursery

Here's an updated view of the nursery...
I still have one thing left to do for Jack - put up a hat rack for him...but other than that, we're set for 2 babies in the nursery:) It's so cute...I love being in there!

Props to Seth for putting the crib together the night we got it...
Props to the Lowthers for helping us rearrange the furniture...
Props to John for helping Seth put Jack's name on the wall...

Weeeeeeeeee're ready JACK!!

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Thursday, December 23, 2010


3 bags this year - one for Seth and I, one for LJ and one for JL.
We're ready whenever Jack is...

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Friday, December 17, 2010

safe in dada's arms

i think i mentioned in a recent post how recently we've discovered lilly's fear of the vacuum. not sure when or why this fear came about, but it's just been within the last couple of months. (maybe that's because i vacuum so rarely she hasn't had a chance to become used to it?! skrrrrt.)
anyways, it's past time and the dog hair is becoming like a blanket on the carpet so i vacuumed the loft last night. partially so our house would be cleaner, but partially because seth wanted to cuddle with his non-cuddly daughter:)
here's the proof. she will cuddle with you (well maybe not YOU, but dada) for the entire time the vacuum is running, and even afterwards if the vacuum is not immediately put out of site.
sweet girl knows she safe in her dada's arms. what a picture of how our Heavenly Father calls us to run to him and know that we are safe in his loving, all-powerful (even more than dada's) arms.
psalm 91:1-4 - "Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust.' Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart."

a very precious eternal truth, (that i admit i didn't even think about until i started this post) displayed right in our loft last night at 730pm.

love it.

and yes, i did wash the spaghetti off lilly's face before she went to bed. the house may be a mess, but i try and keep my child somewhat cleaned up:)

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

you know you're 8 months pregnant when...

1 - you walk out of the house on a record cold morning (15 degrees i believe), on a day when the high will only reach 31 degrees and the wind chill will be 0 degrees at times, and forgetting your coat and scarf your first thought is " eh, I'll be fine" and you get in the car and leave for the office...

2 - you down a full 3-part styrofoam container of asian takeout and immediately want another one

3 - on your way to your car at lunch (to pick up the amazing asian takeout) you indeed confirm that the weather feels amazing and you were right - you didn't need your coat and scarf.

come on jack:)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

10 months and some change

Gigi (derived from Seth's rendition of our little friend Maddie trying to pronounce "Lilly Jo" by saying "Ji Jo") turned 10 months old a couple weeks back. The girl is in full swing I tell you. She's all over the place these days - crawling up the stairs (with someone watching her), cruising along everything, taking a few steps here and there, talking non-stop (especially if we're not paying attention to her!), finding anything on the ground to put in her mouth, getting into Wilbur's dog bowls, standing up chatting in her crib when she should be napping (and chewing on the crib railing. nice.), eating some big people food (when I'm feeling brave), signing 'more' when she wants more food, and giving Seth some lovin' (thanks to Lilly's wonderful caretaker Carol for teaching our non-cuddling daughter this one!)...
Lilly Jo is what I would call a headstrong little girl. Maybe this will change as she grows up, or maybe it won't. But it suits her just fine! We love her spunky and sometimes challenging little personality. When she does something she knows she not supposed to do, she'll hear us say "no no", pause briefly, then go right back to doing it again. She's definitely learning to listen quite well, but she has her 'let-me-see-if-I-can-get-away-with-this-one-more-time' moments. I have to say most times Seth and I would rather laugh than swat her on the leg and tell her 'no' again. She's just so darn cute:)
One thing we've noticed recently is that Lilly Jo is pretty afraid of the vacuum. While we hope she eventually outgrows this fear, it does make for some great cuddle time with Seth while I'm cleaning. She'll sit in his lap and put her head on his shoulder the entire time I'm vacuuming. For a child that doens't cuddle much with anyone, we take this very seriously:) This is quality time! Maybe this means the house will get cleaned more often?
Ah, who am I kidding...I'm about to have a 1 yr old and a newborn.
No way jose.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Mommy, Lilly and Jack

We're excited to meet Jack...he's coming soon!
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Friday, November 26, 2010

shopped till she dropped...

This morning my friend Austin met up with Lilly Jo and me for some after-thanksgiving-sale-shopping. Lilly Jo was such a trooper and she did AMAZING. She loves having lots to look at and watch, so being out among the crowds and in crowded stores was her kind of thing. She really didn't fuss much except when she was hungry. She didn't get a morning nap, so by 11am the girl couldn't keep her head up! While I was checking out at the register in Khol's, Austin summoned me over to take a peek at LJ, who had originally fallen asleep over the front of her stroller, and then moved her head over to the side, like the above pictures. Her paci was barely in her mouth, and she was completely out of it! It was the first time I've ever seen this happen. If you know Lilly, you know she's a girl on the go...never likes to stop, especially for sleep. So this was a rare event and I couldn't pass up taking a few pictures:)
Thanks for coming with us Austin...might need to start a new tradition:) Because goodness knows I won't be doing this on my own next year, with 2 kiddos!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

step by step...

the walking stage!!

i'm sure it will still be awhile before she's walking long distances on her own, but last night she took 4 steps at one time. that was right before we decided to get the camera here's a couple of steps for you to watch:)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Jack's shower

My sister and mom threw us a shower for Jack on 11/ was wonderful! Nat arranged for us to have two magnificent chefs (Seth and John) to make to order omlets for all the guests! It was quite a show, and I have to say, the omlets were delicious. It's actually the first time I've ever eaten an omlet. Is that strange? Anyways, they were great!!
We had lots of fun mingling with everyone, and it was a great opportunity for people to meet Lilly Jo if they hadn't already! We also had to cousins at the shower - Milana (Nat's daughter) and Christopher (Seth's brother's son, who was there with his mother Tasha!)
We were so blessed to have family from both sides come and share in this special time for us. Two of my aunts were able to come as well as Seth's mom, grandma and brother's girlfriend Tasha! Thanks you guys for making the trip to Raleigh!!
Nat decided to let us go solo on the baby train this year, so no sister-baby-bump picture this time:)
I'll find it at some point, but we have a similar picture to this one from last year when Faith was feeling LJ move in my belly!
My mom's two sisters, my sister and my niece:)

Seth's mom, Tasha, her son Christopher and Seth's grandma!

Uncle Seth and Christopher

Uncle John and Binanas

KB (preggers as well - I always find someone to be pregnant with me!) and Bethany - two great friends from HS and college!

Floss and Brooke - 2 more great friends from college! And who have supplied Lilly Jo's closet with some of the cutest clothes a girl could ever have:)

me and sweetpea

LJ taking a look at Jack's new shorts for next summer...check out the mesh father, like son. Thanks Nat!

Faith helped watch these munchkins while I opened gifts...

Part of mom's cute decorations for the shower. She's got such a creative mind...I love it!

Some of the delicious food

Chef Extraordinare! (really, this was his first time making omlets, but John did a bit of coaching I think. John's our italian chef of the family.)

Jennifer and Karis doing a little baby food taste-testing...yuummmy!

Austin and some good friends from work - Abbey and Jess:)

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A little late, but nevertheless, still adorable.

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Friday, November 19, 2010

mommy-daughter day

As I mentioned below, Monday I took the day off and got to hang out with peanut:)
I loved every minute of it, even though my back was killing me.
I've had much more back pain w/ Jack than I had with Lilly Jo, but alas, he'll be here before we know it!

We had our morning cereal/oatmeal. Lilly's looking for the truck that went by the house just as the timer on the camera went off. Lovely:)

Yes, we talk a lot while we eat...

We met Seth at the park for lunch and looked at the fishes as we strolled around the pond...

And really just hung out at the house playing, snacking, watching our favorite Baby Einstein - Baby MacDonald on the Farm, and of course had a late afternoon photo shoot in the yard:)

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Park for lunch

Monday I took the day off so Lilly Jo and I went to have lunch with dada at the park:) It makes me excited to think how we'll be able to do things like this more often, once Jack comes!

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Monday, November 15, 2010

30 Weeks and memory loss is in full swing

30 weeks along when this was taken last saturday, after the wonderful baby shower my sister and mom threw for me!
(pics coming at some point)...
is it a bad sign that i've called lilly jo "wilbur" 2x in the past week?
our second child isn't even here yet and i'm already calling our only child by our dog's name.

oh dear.
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