Sunday, April 1, 2012

cooper bridge run '12

this weekend we took a trip to charleston with our good friends the hortons to participate in the 35th annual cooper bridge 10K run! the men of course ran it, and did quite well i must say, and kate and i of course walked while strolling the kiddos. seth finished 3,010th (took him about 50 min+/-) out of about 44,000 people!! he's gotten into running over the past year or so and really enjoys a good challenge! i think tim finished somewhere around 13,000th out of 44,000 which is also a great feat in my mind. kate and i finished. that was our accomplishment:) i think we did it in 2hr and 15 min. not too shabby for two pregnant mommas pushing babies.
unfortunately i didn't take the time to get any pics while walking on the bridge, but my mind was set on just getting up the bridge and then finishing the race. i think we stopped twice to give the kids a quick snack, but that was all. the men walked back to meet us when we were about 2 miles from the end, and that was a huge help as we were getting pretty exhausted after 4 miles:) but overall it went really well and we had a great time together!

kiddos watching the helicopter fly over the race starting line...the race was delayed for about an hour so that made it a bit more interesting, but they did well for the most part!

making extra sure she doesn't get any sun...sunscreen underneath her clothing:)

lots of flirting going on before the race began...

jack was asleep as we were crossing the start line, and lj soon followed.

enjoying a nice break from pushing strollers when our hubbies came back to our rescue:)

1 comment:

Debbie said...

fun fun fun!! good job ladies and those pics are super cute! LJ is looking like such a big girl these days!