Saturday, August 27, 2011

lj's first fashion show

lj seems to be entering the 'dress myself' phase of life. it's about to get interesting folks.

while i still have to dress her, she proceeded to pick out one article of clothing after the other today, bringing them to me one at a time to put on her. and after each article of clothing was put on, she immediately said, "dada. dada." and would walk out into the loft and show seth her latest outfit.

so cute.

just to clarify, she has on a onsie, then the purple/brown shirt, followed by the green/white tank. then some shorts, followed by 2 pair of bloomers. finished it off with 2 pair of socks on each foot and a rockin' hat from whitney. she wanted to put some pants on as well but i had to go make this was the final outfit. rock it girl.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

oh man, just got a glimpse of a sassy teenager in that last picture! too cute :) haha!