so this was completely blog-worthy the first time it happened, however time got away and it never got posted. a week later however, it's still happening and i feel a post is in order, ASAP.
recently we've had a problem with flies in our house, so i bought a fly swatter from target. it's nice. cheap. red. standard.
occasionally lilly jo will find a dead fly down by our back door and she'll pick it up and bring it to me and say "dahs, dahs" which means "trash". i'm like, ewww, thank you lilly jo. now let's go wash your hands.
well the other day she brought me what i thought was a dead fly. only when she handed it to me it promptly flew away. YES. it was not dead. begs the question, "how did she get the fly?"
well i watched that darn fly go over to our back door window and try and get out. and meanwhile lilly jo went right back over to the door and i watched her try and catch that darn fly for 30 seconds. and then she caught it! i could not believe it!!!!! right in front of my own two eyes.
grody to the max. back to the bathroom to wash her hands.
i kid you not she has caught about 5 so far in total.
and today seth was doing the dishes and called me over and said he had something to show me. low and behold he opens his hand and has a live fly in his hands. all he says to me is, "i think it runs in the family...."
hilarious. and nasty. surely this cannot be our family talent.
and i know on a few occasions wilbur has caught a few flies in his mouth as well.
moral of the story =
don't buy a fly swatter from target. just call the apples. we've got ya covered!