Thursday, April 28, 2011

we're expecting...

two nephews (or cousins, depending on who you ask) this summer!

(bet you thought i was going to say we're pregnant, didn't you?!)

this post is looooooong overdue, but here it is anyways...

seth's brother robert and his girlfriend victoria will be having their second child, a boy, around july 1st. aubree lyn is excited to meet her brother, brayden noah, and i'm sure will be a wonderful big sister!

also my sister, natalie, and her husband john will be having their second child, a boy, around the 24th of august. or if it's anything like milana, he'll come super early, around the first of august! milana loves her time with momma and dada but i know she's going to absolutely love her little brother (name to be finalized)!

it's been quite a full last year and a half in both my family and seth's family...

in nov 2009 my sister's sister-in-law and her husband had their first daughter.
in jan 2010 we had our first daughter.
in mar 2010 seth's younger brother and girlfriend had their first daughter.
in march 2010 my sister and her husband had their first daughter.
in july 2010 seth's older brother and his girlfriend had their first son.

in jan 2011 we had our first son.
in july 2011 seth's younger brother and his girlfriend are expecting their first son.
in aug 2011 my sister and her husband are expecting their first son.
and i'm not sure the month, but i believe also in aug 2011 my sister's sister-in-law and her husband are expecting their first son.



The Vernon's said...

Congratulations on all the little blessings! The Apple's and Sarver's are fertile families!! ;o)

Debbie said...

fertile myrtles all around! that's crazy! my heart did stop momentarily when i saw the title...but i thought, for sure it's not rebecca! :)