Monday, September 27, 2010

Combo - Lilly's 7th and 8th months

So I lost track of time and got a little slack with the month-by-month photo sessions of Lilly Jo. But nevertheless, here are her 7th and 8th month pics...taken about 5 days apart because I was so behind:) Oh well. If you were wondering if she was as cute in the 7th month as she is in the 8th, rest assured, SHE WAS!

Let's see, what's changed since month 6? Well, a lot I guess...

-Peanut learned to crawl the Thursday, September 2nd, right before Labor Day Weekend. She was a little hesitant at first, but within about a week she had it down pat and now she's quite the pro. She does still like to be held quite often, and carried wherever we're going...but we try and let her crawl as much as possible.

- Lilly started eating puffs (her first attempt at food that isn't pureed!) and has caught on pretty quickly. The first few days were a bit scary - choking and gagging. But now she only occasionally chokes/gags and we've learned to watch her very closely when eating them. But overall, she's a big fan of the puffs...and they make for a great snack throughout the day!

-Sweet Pea loves to pull up and stand up at the coffee table, the couch, the TV stand, the bed, wherever she can get her balance! It's lots of fun but brings on some 'ouchies' and 'boo-boos'. She's got some strong legs and arms though, so she can hold her own pretty well. It's the getting-down-to-the-ground-part that always gets her. One day she'll learn...

-Lillypie babbles a lot now, and still says 'dadadadada' more than 'mamama'...but that's ok with me. We think anything she says is cute. She's begun to copy us in the noises we make, for instance, "uh-oh!" makes her respond with 'EHH!'

-We've started trying to teach Lilly to communicate through signs, such as 'all done' and 'more' and 'bye bye'. She's not learned them yet, but I know it'll just take time and practice. She does recognize when we say those phrases, and watches our hand motions for the words we're saying. She smiles and looks at us as if to say "I've heard that before...I know what you're about to do!" And sometimes she moves her fingers/hands ever so slightly to open and close them like we do.

-She is sleeping well these days, after going through a rough week or so of screaming her head off when we put her down for bed at night. Whew. That was a rough week! But now she cries for about 10 seconds and she's gone. Crawling takes it out of her for sure!

-LJ sits and stands in her crib all the time we've definitely lowered it to the lowest position possible. I have to say it is cute going in her room after a nap or in the morning and seeing her stand up against the railing and smiling at us, ready to get out and play!

-Munchkin has gone through somewhat of a separation anxiety phase, but I feel like she's coming out of it already. Maybe that comes and goes in stages as well. We'll see...

There's probably lots more, but that's the update I can think of for now! We love her to pieces and are so thankful for the gift she is to us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Precious! I love that you do this blog!