20 years ago my family moved from phoenix, az to raleigh, nc because God had led my parents to start a vineyard church plant here. still can't believe it's been 20 years. God has done so much in that time and it was a joy to reunite and reminisce with friends (most of whom i consider family) that i haven't seen in awhile. on sunday seth and i took the kids back to my old church to celebrate with everyone...we had a great time! i wish i had been able to capture pictures of people i grew up with but with 2 small kiddos it just didn't happen. i'm sure i can get some copies from others there who had cameras:)
lj and milana went searching for little baby sheep in the haystack...quite the challenge but lilly jo was all in for it! 

binanas dancin' with nana!
they rented a moonwalk which john and seth took the girls in before we left. let's just say we might be renting one of these for lj's birthday at somepoint. she and milana had an absolute blast in it! 
gettin' some air under those feet!

the girls loved it so much they each went down the slide on their own (without respective dada's)! couldn't have asked for bigger smiles...

but when it was time to leave, both girls made this face - 
and the boys were ready to go home as well but they weren't shedding any tears...just showing their cute monkey butts:)