Sunday, January 11, 2009

Birthdays, Anniversaries and Wii

January 8th I turned 26...people still think I look 16 though. I hear that will be a good thing in 20 years... My friends Kate and Jess took Seth and I to lunch for my birthday. We went to our favorite place - El Dorado...mmm!
Seth got up and took me (and Wilbur) to work for my birthday. They both hung out for a bit at work before heading to lunch and then back home. Gotta love Health Decision's pet policy:) Later that night Seth took me to Outback for my birthday dinner. It would have been to my favorite wing place - Woody's - had I not had the mexican for lunch. Too much spicy food makes me gurgle!
A few friends of mine and Seth's came over on my birthday to have some cake/pie and hang out. We ended up playing a heated game of Nertz...Mere was my valiant partner, despite my lack of Nertz skills.

Seth, Brian and Willoby (as I like to call him). Brian, is a fantastic purse maker, FYI and if you'd like to purchase any custom made purses, go to Highly recommended!
Lowthers and Apples having a late night:)

ooh la la! pre-3 month anniversary smooch:)
I can't believe it's been 3 months already. Quarter of a year. Very cool. It's been a joy Seth!

Debbie and me- partners in Wii, in wreath making, cooking, Bible study and more:)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME:) Nat and John brought some Coldstone cakes to celebrate!

Niblet and me
Mom and her two grown ups. For my birthday mom made me an Advent Calendar just like the one we had growing up! It was perfect - with our own personalized ornaments for the tree. I'll try and post a picture of it soon. Granny, you'd be proud! I love traditions....
My hubby at bat on the Wii...

Tennis was my favorite sport on the Wii, although it was my first time so I pretty much stunk all around:)

Brian and Debbie having a tennis match...I think the boot helped:)
Seth just made a great hit I'm sure. The face says it all....
Switching gears.....back to the birthday celebration! Sunday Seth and I went to Danville to hang out with his side of the family and celebrate 3 birthdays - Robert who turned 25, George - lordy lordy look who turned 40! and me-26. It's always fun hanging out with them and eating a meal that Grandma fixes...this time it was about 10 gallons of brunswick stew...yum city:)
Uncle Seth and Dylan...if you look real closely you'll notice that Seth has tied both of Dylan's shoes together. Of course Dylan proceeded to get up and fall flat on his face:) They are all boy!

Dylan loves playing with dogs...Wilbur and Striker are both sweet to him, even though he likes to get on their back like a horse and ride them.

Seth throwing Dylan around for the 10th time because he always says, "Do it again!" Notice Cherry's concerned face...:)
Like I said, on their backs like a horse. Of course Striker is getting about as big as a horse now:)

Dylan loves to help everyone open their "presidents"!

George and his boy opening birthday presidents from MawMaw.
Daddy feeding "Codys" (as Dylan likes to say).
That's all for now folks!

1 comment:

NNA said...

Hi, I found your blog post through a search for “Nertz”. It is cool to see others that know about the game. I hope you don’t mind but I wanted to let you know about, the site for the National Nertz Association. There is a bunch of interesting Nertz information there and you can also find out how to play Nertz online there. I hope you will check it out. Feel free to join and also let your friends and family know. Thanks